



The theme of the ILATERA platform has been defined as “Establishing a high-technology platform that will develop advanced vehicle technologies transferable to the private sector by considering the transformation in the global automotive industry and the resources of our country.” Within the ILATERA platform, Istanbul Technical University’s Advanced Vehicle Technologies Application and Research Center (ILATAM) serves as the project’s managing institution. The project includes OYAK Renault Automobile Factories Inc. and TEMSA Skoda Sabancı Transportation Vehicles Inc. as R&D centers under the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Türkiye, TÜBİTAK RUTE as the Public Research Center, and Eskisehir Technical University ITAM as the University Research Infrastructure. 

A platform project titled “Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Advanced Vehicle Technologies” has been designed with the aim of reducing the global carbon footprint, decreasing our country's growing dependence on petroleum, and achieving the goals outlined in the Green Deal. The project brings together university and public research infrastructures and industrial R&D centers.

The focus technologies aimed at achieving these objectives have been identified as “Development of Electric Drive, Control, and Management Systems,” “Design of Environmentally Friendly Vehicle Systems,” “Development of Energy Storage and Management Systems,” “Development of Lightweight and Material Technologies,” and “Development of Clean Energy Power and Fuel Systems.” Each focus area is conducted by a separate institution with expertise and advanced infrastructure in the respective field, while the integration of all sub-projects is planned under Istanbul Technical University - ILATAM. 


ILATERA: The Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Advanced Vehicle Technologies Platform is supported under the TÜBİTAK 1004 Excellence Center Support Program's 2021 Call. The primary theme of the platform is to establish a high-technology platform to develop advanced vehicle technologies transferable to the private sector by considering the transformation in the global automotive industry and the resources of our country.

For the TÜBİTAK 1004 page of the ILATERA Platform, please follow this link.

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