STREAMS Project to Shape the Future of Battery Technology in Europe

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The STREAMS Project General Assembly Meeting within the scope of the Horizon Europe Program, which aims to increase Europe's battery production technologies and competitiveness, was hosted by TÜBİTAK RUTE at TÜBİTAK Gebze Campus.

Stakeholders from leading research institutions in Europe and around the world attended the meeting physically and online. On the first day of the project, keynote speeches were delivered by the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and TÜBİTAK RUTE. Over the course of two days, meetings were held to evaluate the progress of the project work packages, hold scientific discussions and discuss future plans.

Within the scope of the STREAMS Project, 12 different scalable and flexible technologies are being developed to recover critical battery raw materials such as lithium, manganese, cobalt and nickel from used batteries and mining residues. It also aims to produce battery raw materials from natural resources.

TÜBİTAK RUTE will produce anode and cathode materials within the scope of the project, followed by pilot scale electrode and cell production.

The meeting was an important platform to highlight Turkey's technical and scientific competencies in the battery sector. TÜBİTAK's campus, with its long years of experience and mission, introduced its efforts to meet Europe's needs for environmentally friendly design and sustainable production.

The STREAMS Project aims to take important steps towards Europe's future in energy storage systems and the next stages of the project are eagerly awaited.

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